Ben has been practicing massage since 1989. Having grown up in his mother's massage school, Educating Hands, it came naturally. He was licensed in Florida before he was out of high school and he never looked back. He taught massage at Educating Hands from 1992-1994. His specialty was Creative Concepts where he taught new therapists to think "outside the box".
After massage school and a concentrated run of workshops that included certifications in Shiatsu and Neuro Muscular Therapy, an assortment of Sports Massage intensives, he began to create his work. Transformational Massage is Ben's distillation of a wide array of disciplines and studies combined with his own inspirations and creations.
In 1994 He moved to Boulder, Colorado where he established himself as one of the premier massage therapists in the Denver/Boulder area.
In 2007 Ben came to New York for a week to work on a select group of clients. Word spread and now he comes to the city about once a month to help New Yorkers transform their relationship with their bodies. In 2013 Los Angeles joined New York as a semi-regular stop on Ben's schedule. There are also occasional visits to San Francisco, Miami, and now Seattle.
Over the years Ben has trained under a wide variety of teachers from Leon Chaitow (Medical editor of Journal of Alternative Medicine) and Benny Vaughn (Head of Sports Massage at Florida State University) to Yamuna Zake (developed Body Logic and
Body Rolling) and Judith Walker Delaney (Founder and Director of The International Academy of Neuromuscular Therapy) just to
mention a few.